Thursday 3 October 2019

Join or renew your membership with the Malta Sociological Association!

Sociologists and/or other social scientists, that is, persons with a recognized qualification in the field of social science, as well as other persons interested in this field, are eligible for membership. MSA is a registered voluntary organisation in Malta (VO 1323)

By joining the MSA you will

- be a member of Malta's only independent sociological organisation;
- regularly network with members of the Maltese sociological community and participate in MSA events;
- receive the MSA's newsletter (three issues per year) as well as relevant news and updates in your inbox; 
- get your sociological work promoted through the MSA's various channels;
- get the possibility to access and add your details to MSA's Directory, highlighting research interests of members of the association; and
- benefit from other MSA initiatives. 

If interested in joining, or to renew your membership, please click here to fill in the membership form.

Please email for more information.

Membership fee: 12 Euro.  
Full-time students, unemployed  and retired persons are entitled for the 6.00 euro membership fee.

The following options may be used to pay: 

(1) cash to anyone of the MSA committee members;

(2) using the MSA IBAN No. MT41VALL22013000000040025018192  BIC: VALLMTMT

Postal Address: Malta Sociological Association, Room 305, Old Humanities, Department of Sociology, University of Malta, Msida MSD2080, MALTA.